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Join Alex & Friends as they laugh and drink their way through horror. They make up movies and take shots. It's great. Best Horror Podcast in our homes. "Funny, Lewd and Unique" - AK TIMES
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5 Bizarre & Underrated Horror Movies! Weekly Watched List March 3rd. This is EVERYTHING I watched this week and condensed into a hand dandy video for you guys to check out! We have Monsters, Creatures, Demons and SO MUCH MORE!
A Review of Evilenko (2003) Which is Based on a TERRIFYING True Story... YOU WON'T Forget. One of the most Heinous human beings ever to walk the planet. This is a truly HORRIFYING Tale. Finally on 4k & Blu Ray from @UnearthedFilmsMedia See what I thought about this insane film.
There's a NEW Bill Murray Comedy out this week!? Yes! Feb 28th in Theaters! Before you go to the theater. See what I thought! It's about a former criminal's ordinary life, which is turned upside down when his old family shows up for a long-awaited reunion.
5 NEW Horror Movies I Watched THIS Week! - Weekly Watched List Feb 24th! This is EVERYTHING I watched this week and condensed into a hand dandy video for you guys to check out! We have Monsters, Creatures, Bad People, Legends and just SO MUCH MORE!
A Review of Evilenko (2003) Which is Based on a TERRIFYING True Story... YOU WON'T Forget. One of the most Heinous human beings ever to walk the planet. This is a truly HORRIFYING Tale. Finally on 4k & Blu Ray from @UnearthedFilmsMedia See what I thought about this insane film.
5 KILLER FLICKS You Should Watch! - Feb 17th Weekly Watched LIST! This is EVERYTHING I watched this week and condensed into a hand dandy video for you guys to check out! New Video format that I can do when I’ve seen TOO MUCH! Which helps me a lot & Hopefully helps you find NEW MOVIES or TV to watch!
I continue my NEVERENDING Haul of Horror with PART 2 of movies and TV shows that were sent to me. This time with LOADS of Stephen King Movies, John Carpenter & Tarantino films. PLUS... SO Much MORE! Hopefully this gives you guys some ideas of what's out there that you might want to watch or pick up yourself. There's a lot of others stuff too! Part 2
LOVE ZOMBIES? There's a NEW South Korean ZOMBIE Comedy Series! Looking for the perfect Valentine's Day watch? A soldier faces a zombie outbreak during military service. His girlfriend, an engineer, navigates zombie-ridden Seoul. Both fight through the undead-infested city, striving to reunite amid the chaos.
5 DISTURBING Horror Love STORIES You will NEVER Forget! WEEKLY WATCHED LIST Feb 2nd! This is EVERYTHING I watched this week and condensed into a hand dandy video for you guys to check out! New Video format that I can do when I've seen TOO MUCH! Which helps me a lot & Hopefully helps you find NEW MOVIES or TV to watch!
Keep Your EYE Out for these 2 NEW Indie Cult FILMS This WEEK! MVD shot over a couple of physical media titles for me to check out that are FINALLY coming to Physical Media. All Hallows Eve Trickster & Dick Dynamite 1944! Let's Talk about it!
Was Part 4 & 5 of Return of the Living Dead THAT Bad?! It has been YEARS since I saw them and I wanted to give them a fresh watch with an OPEN mind. Were they as bad as I remembered? Find out what I thought of Return of the Living Dead Necropolis & Rave to the Grave with 2 reviews! Minor Spoilers!
5 Nightmarish Films to KEEP you UP! Weekly Watched List Feb 3rd! This is EVERYTHING I watched this week and condensed into a hand dandy video for you guys to check out! New Video format that I can do when I’ve seen TOO MUCH! Which helps me a lot & Hopefully helps you find NEW MOVIES or TV to watch!
You'll NEVER feel Safe at home again... - Found Footage POV Review. New film called Looky-loo (2025) Will make you think twice about feeling comfortable at home again. As you see through the eyes of a seriously messed up film maker. Coming soon to Blu-Ray & VHS the VOD & Streaming Later.
The LAST Video Store on EARTH?! You Won't Believe What's Inside this indepth interview with one of the Directors Tim Rutherford & the main star and ACTUAL owner Kevin Martin of The Last Videostore in Edmonton! We had a blast sitting and talking horror, the majesty of the local store and so much more!
5 CRAZIEST Asian ZOMBIE Films! - Weekly Watched List Jan 27th. This is EVERYTHING I watched this week and condensed into a hand dandy video for you guys to check out! New Video format that I can do when I’ve seen TOO MUCH! Which helps me a lot & Hopefully helps you find NEW MOVIES or TV to watch!
We finish off the Unnamable and it's brief franchise by watching, reviewing and dissecting The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter (1992). This time Carter, Howard and the gang team up with John Rhys Davies for a few bad dates and quantum theory mixed in their Lovecraft. You got that right. Davies Slides on into this movie with ease as the charming and knowledge seeking Professor Warren. Who teams up with them to stop the beast and save Alyda from destiny. When something goes wrong and the beast is set loose on the college campus will Carter and the gang be able to stop the beast? YOINKS! FIND OUT! Was the sequel a better film than the first or will Christina & Alex be miffed on this one? JOIN US for an all new BTV!
It's time for some Lovecraft? Yes, This week we review an 80's film donated to us by Resoltuion67 about The Unnamable (1988).. I'd tell you what it is but I'm unable to name it... *Wocka Wocka*. Well, it's actually about some college students who take on the local legend of the Unnamable in a house nearby campus. They happen on the house and one by one get picked off by a creature that is up to no good. Will Randolph Carter solve the mystery in time to save his fellow friends? We find out in this review of a wild 80s film. We give you loads of trivia and talk about what worked and what didn't. JOIN US!
This week we picked 2 movies for the community to vote on and you guys picked SATAN'S SLAVE (1980) from Indonesia. The movie that inspired Joko Anwar to do horror and become successful at it. Alex went out blind bought the film to become more knowledgeable about Indonesian horror and the outcome is here for him, Christina & you guys to enjoy! We do a full on spoiler review and mostly a bunch a trivia on the movie for you guys. Join us for some more BTV in your eyes and ears! JOIN US!
It's time for a Random Sequel that many have debated over and many have not been so fond of, but was it all that bad? We dive into RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD II (1988). A sequel that Dan O'bannon turned down. We watched it, review it and get into the reasons why the movie didn't work out like many of us all hoped. We also point out our more positive moments and a peek behind the scenes. This week on BTV! JOIN US!
Fresh off the heels of a SO BAD ITS GOOD horror movie from last week! We delve back into some weirder waters of Blood Diner (1987). The semi official but not so similar Blood Feast 2 film that you always wanted to see? And when you do FEAST your eyes on it will you succumb to the powers of SHEETAR! WE did... and her teeth were so pretty. A story about 2 boys who grew up studying the Egyptian art of cannibalism & magic run a famous veggie restaurant on the corner of Hollywood Blvd and death. They are hacking up customers who sign up for their mailer to create the perfect franken SHEETAR! Will they succeed or will the jealous competition find out what they are up to and stop them. It's all here in one WEIRD... episode. JOIN US!
It's Alex's Birthday Episode so we had a good times celebrating on the podcast this week! You can too by helping us spread the celebration with others! Be sure to share this on social media! Also, the deadline for the free movies is still open till the 12th. So Be sure to sign up. We kick off the episode by talking about the anniversary of Kurt Cobains Death and some peoples reactions to the times 30 years ago. This week Alex picked an Indonesian Terminator Knock Off called LADY TERMINATOR (1988). A so bad its good film that might just blow you mind. We dig in deep and talk about why we love this film and why you need to watch it's insanity. It's one big Alex celebration so let's ring in his birthday with a bunch of laughs. JOIN US!
It's another community pick week! The 2nd winner of the community is John Carpenters THEY LIVE (1988). So this week we kick things off and talk to you guys about some new stuff coming out. Christina drops some interesting news and we talk about a giveaway for Alex's Birthday! Then we dive into conpsiracy and alien invasions with our review of They Live. A movie so far ahead of it's time that it's a little too real and eerie these days. We talk about what we think of the movie, then get in dirty to talk about the meaning of the movie. Which has multiple messages. Plus LOADS of Trivia and our favorite scenes. JOIN US THIS WEEK!
It's time to get weird and deep on this weeks episode. You guys chose it on our community tab for YOUTUBE! This week is for Sci-Fi lovers of film, book and more! First we kick it off with a discussion about Christina’s thoughts about Late Night With The Devil, rapidly growing technology & Beetlejuice Beetlejuice . Then we both try a new SPICED beverage & Shot recipe directly from the Shimmer itself. Plus finally we review James Vandermeer’s novel adaptation of Annihilation (2018) that Alex Garland brought to life with his own personal touches. Or rather his own team of talented film makers as he would prefer it. The 4k of the movie was donated to the stream by Resolution67 that we devour and get pretty deep on. We discuss the deeper meaning, how some people might have wanted more in this movie and what we think it was all about. Plus loads of trivia and jokes. All in one great new Episode of BTV! JOIN US on both Audio everywhere podcasts are & Video now on Youtube!
WE ARE BACK! BTV is growing and we are changing. We are now adding this podcast to a video so that you can watch us act like complete buffoons on Youtube as well. Whether you enjoy audio or video. We are discussing The Crow (1994) and reviewing what we think of the 90s GOTH MASTER that it was. Does it still hold up? What actually happened to Brandon Lee? What do we think of The NEW Crow & will the world ever be able to wear tight leather like the old days? We can only hope, but it's all here in one giant episode across the airwaves & the eye waves? I'm not sure where I was going with that, but I hope you join us either on Youtube or on the podcast. JOIN US!
For some strange reason we decided to take on the rest of the SOMETIMES THEY COME BACK franchise. Someone had to do it! They HAD to COME back… Right? We are the hero's to take on the quest and come out the other end with some jokes & some trivia that would make any horror fan happy. First Christina tells you about her viral moment online which is a fun story. Then we dive into our review of SOMETIMES THEY COME BACK AGAIN (1996) about a whole new set of Greaser Demons (well sorta) who COME BACK ... Again... For revenge! Only this time much more gory and fun. Then we take on SOMETIMES THEY COME BACK FOR MORE (1998) where it takes the story to Antarctica? Yeah... This one is all over the place and we have a lot to say about it and the franchise! SO JOIN US!
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